Thursday, October 4, 2007


We have heard from Jenny and WC's attorneys are working to resolve the problem. Hopefully, we'll hear more soon.

One thing I wanted to make clear is that, as far as we know, this isn't happening because of WC or anything WC did. This is all being perpetrated by our own government. Which is a little surprising to me. A month ago, I was worried about dealing with the Vietnamese government. If you had asked me then which country I thought would be the caring, compassionate one throughout this process, my answer would have been wrong.

The only thing I will say is that our in-country staff should have been more proactive in responding to us when we found out there was a problem. They pretty much shut us out this entire week. I realize that they have lots of other families coming here for G&Rs and are extremely busy but I believe if they had communicated with us at the beginning of this fiasco, there wouldn't have been as much panic to set in amongst the families. Don't get me wrong -- they are wonderful, nice people. They just dropped the ball on this one. Probably because no one expected the situation to turn into the big deal that it has become.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so sorry you guys are going through this....I can't imagine how hard it is :( I was always under the impression that they investigated things on a case by case basis, never just lumping everybody together like that! It doesn't make any sense.

On a positive note, I can't believe how good Will's motor skills are! I hope your house is babyproofed! And Ava has such a sweet baby face :)

Amy in TX

Julie said...

Hang in there! Your whole WC "extended family", who is following your journey, is pulling for you guys! You are in our thoughts!

Julie Harmon

Dawn said...

I hope WC can get these issues resolved soon so you can all get home ASAP. Like Julie said, please know that we are all thinking of and praying for you here.

Alana said...

Sending all the positive energy I can to you and the rest of the WC families!