Monday, October 1, 2007

Slow day today

It's been a pretty lazy day today. Tami posted some pics (below) of some of the goings on around here, but pretty much we've been trying to find time for a nap since 5am today. Whenever one goes down the other goes up, so naps are few and far between.

We did go out for dinner tonight to the coffee shop (Highlands) that's in the building. It was nice to get out, and we saw lots and lots of families that are somewhere in the process. A couple of people that we flew here with are leaving on Wedesday morning, and there were a couple of families we met who have their G&R tomorrow. It was nice to be around people

The smoke in town is really bad tonight. It appears that we're here during crop buring season, when all of the farms that ring the city burn all what's left of their crops. Add that in with the generall bad air and the exhaust, and it makes for a pretty rough time. The first night it was like this we kept thinking the building was on fire. All that said, today was the first day in weeks that I haven't had a sore throat (but I'm still coughing because of the quitting smoking thing).

We're hoping to hear from the consulate tomorrow so we're going to run errands tomorrow and Wednesday morning. We did decide that if there's any way at all for us to get out of here early (there are 3 flights a day from Hong Kong to LA) we're going to. We really really really want to go home.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the "climb your sibling" routine. Those are adorable.