Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Call Your Congressman"

We were told today by in-country staff that we should call our congressman. The panic that I saw yesterday in some of the members of our party is now starting to take me over. I just can't believe this is happening. And even more than that, I can't believe the way our country is handling this situation.

Why did they allow all these families to come to VN, begin to bond with their children, and then decide to hold us all hostage while they sort things out? What kind of country does something like that to their own people? What kind of administration would even consider sending 7 little innocent babies back to an orphanage to live out their lives? I do understand that they believe there might be a problem in Thai Nguyen (I, for one, don't at all believe that there is anything shady going on there) and they need to check it out. But for God's sake, quit bringing families here, send us all home with our children, and THEN check it out.

I know I'm ranting now but I'm really scared. I feel absolutely helpless, sitting here waiting for a woman we don't know from Adam in HCMC to make a decision that will impact us for the rest of our lives.

We have done nothing wrong. Our children have done nothing wrong. We just want to go home.


Unknown said...

By "in country staff" - do you mean WC staff from vietnam, or WC staff from the US?

Karrie said...

We here in the States are all with you and are praying. Know we will make any calls you need just tell us the word. Families past and present will not go quietly as we all know our babies are nothing more then orphans and deserve a home.

Dawn said...

I am sorry that you are still having problems. I was hoping that it was all going to be worked out. Praying for you and please let us know if there is anything that we can do.

Dawn said...

I noticed you changed your flights already. Is next weekend just your hope?

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are going through all of this. But, I greatly appreciat4 you keeping the rest of us informed.