Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We've been delayed

We were supposed to get the call from the consulate today telling us when our 2nd (exit) interview is. Instead we got a call from one of the other families here letting us know that the consulate had been informing people of a delay. My understanding is that USCIS is investigating something which is causing the delay. The issue isn't with the staff here in Hanoi, it's USCIS in HCM City.

It's possible that we'll hear something back by Thursday (the last day possible for us to get out on Saturday on time). However, I understand that there is a strong possibility that we won't hear back until sometime mid-next week. We've started the process already of extending our hotel reservations, but we're not going to worry about airline reservations, someone to watch the dogs/cats past Sunday, or anything else until Friday.

This sucks.



Anonymous said...

This does suck. The group after us had to call themselves to figure out what was actually going on. You may need to take matters into your own hands.

Karey said...

Sorry to hear that!!! Hang in there.

Sheryl said...

Tammy, Dennis, not sure if this comment is going to post twice or what since I had to take a side-step to create a Google account before it would let me post. Anyway, I love the pictures you've posted. So sorry to hear things are going roughly with the process, but hang in there! Before you know it, you'll be home and beginning your new lives with your adorable babies! And believe me, they won't be babies for long! I can't wait to meet Wil & Ava! Praying for a smoother go of it from here and a safe trip home for all of you! Love, Sheryl

Catherine said...

The babies are adorable!!! As much as you want to get the heck out of there, you will miss it once you get home. Enjoy the last few days in 'their' country :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that stinks!! (I should know, we were delayed too, but I think ours had more to do with HCMC people being on vacation.) After a certain point Kenny had my DH call somebody Embassy or Consulate and try to get a better timeline.

Hopefully you guys can get out some more so you don't develop cabin fever!

Amy in TX