Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another milestone

Ava decided that today was the day that she was going to learn to roll-over. The first time she did it, she really freaked herself out. Now she's done it 4 times and it's pretty much second nature.

We have a lot of room In our new apartment so we've put the kids on the carpet. Will has shown himself to be quite mobile when he wants to -- he's been scooting all over the place (and almost pulled the laptop off the table when we turned our back).

A day full of firsts. We should have some more pictures up in the next day or so (since they're so darn cute), and hopefully we'll get some movies up soon as well.



Anonymous said...

freaky, isnt it? Zubin scooches back and doesnt know how he got there.

MagscL said...

I am so happy for you guys! It sounds like the kids have taken to you instantly. They know they belong with you.