Friday, September 21, 2007


Now that we have video ability, we're going to start posting several of the videos that we've made so far. The first is of the traffic outside our hotel. This is what every intersection in the city is like (maybe not quite as bad, but close).

At about 10 seconds you can see a couple of people crossing the street. Picture this with two kids.

Some intersections have traffic signals, but they are completely ignored by everyone. There are 5 million people in this city, and 2 million motorbikes and 200,000 cars. Each month there are more than 1,000 accidents, and in August almost 1,000 people were killed in those accidents, with another 1,000 injured. September is "National Safety Month" where the rules are being reinforced, but apparently the numbers are worse so far this month than last.

More vids to come (of things more interesting than traffic).


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Denny Lee, why am I not surprised you wrote the post with all the stats?! The babies are sooo cute -- can't wait to meet them. --degner