Thursday, September 20, 2007

They aren't being nice anymore

Since Tuesday we've changed about 2 dozen diapers. We were both a little intimidated at first, but we got the hang of it pretty quick. We knew going into it that the babies wouldn't poop for several (up to 5) days from the time we got them, so we were looking forward to the grace period to learn how to handle everything.

I guess they've decided that they like us and they're going to keep us, because they certainly didn't wait 5 days to share the joys of parenthood.

In the past 3 hours we have changed 3 dirty (like really dirty) diapers. We didn't know that smells and colors like those were even possible.

Poop pics to follow.

just kidding about the pics.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Welcome to the secret parent club.

Come on Dennis, Give up the pictures.Take pitty on a girl who has been waiting 15 weeks to be united with her son and daughter in Lang son.

Take Care,