Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 1 almost done

It's been quite a day so far. Tami will probably post more later, but today has been spent shopping (or trying to shop) for gifts for the orphanage. We're both terrified of haggling with the vendors, so we haven't bought much other than at the local grocery store. So far they've short changed me twice in change.

A couple of pics that no one in the world will find interesting other than me:

This is Tami in front of what we think is a mangrove tree in the silk district. :

The next two pictures are of power lines atached to a utility pole. The traffic and electricity just amaze me -- apparently the power goes out often in this town (are you surprised?) and I was almost hit by a bus crossing the street. More on traffic tomorrow.

And for no reason whatsoever, here's a picture of Madeline in a bucket.

Thanks for reading this far.


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