Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 1 is almost over

This morning all the men went to Vietnamese immigration to apply for passports for the little ones. It'll take a week to get them back, then we start the US immigration process.

We took the kids to the clinic when I got done for a check-up (we were nervous), got tons of medicine for their cough, then spent the rest of the day (since around noon) trying to get Will to take a nap. It didn't work.

Tomorrow we're going to move to a different hotel (with two bedrooms) which will help with the space crunch that we're experiencing at the moment (two adults, two babies, two cribs, 8 suitcases in a smallish standard sized hotel room). I'm also going to make Tami go to the Dr -- she's got the same cough as the kids, and she's miserable.

I'll post more if I get some time, and at some point Tami will get on and post much more detail about what's going on.



Anonymous said...

feel better Tami

Dawn said...

Hope you are all feeling better soon....8 suitcases?!?!

Mary said...

Will and Ava are beautiful! Congratulations! I cannot wait to read more.

Mary (Ernabel on WC Yahoo Group)