Monday, September 24, 2007

Another day in 'Nam

It took the AC guy about 3 hours to fix the AC last night, and he finally left about 9:00 or so. Tami and I were sound asleep at 9:01. 4 solid hours of sleep until Will's 1:00 wakeup, then 4 more hours until 6 am. We woke up feeling pretty good...unfortunately not everyone got the memo.

At about 8:00 this morning we carried on with our usual morning routine. I went down to the coffee shop in the lobby and got us some latte's while Tami changed/fed the kids. About 20 minutes after I got back Ava decided that it was her day to be sick, and started throwing up something besides the usual spit-up that she does. She also had a very raspy sounding cough, so it was back to the clinic for us (we're going to have to go back at least 2 more times before we leave, so by then we should all be on a first name basis).

Ava has the beginnings of an ear infection (which we had seen no symptoms of), so she's now on antibiotics for that. Both kids are now off the cough syrup that they got earlier in the week.

We did make an effort to get out of the room for fun -- we went and had lunch down in the restaurant rather than order it as roomservice, which is what we're going to do for dinner.

Tomorrow we have the 1st interview with the embassy, and we should get the kids' passports on Wednesday. In theory we could get the call for the 2nd interview anytime after the first, and we would be able to come home the next day (although we will end up staying until the 6th anyway if we can't get a bassinet on an earlier flight).

One rumor that we did hear this morning is that in the very near future the US Embassy is going to change the immigration process here in Vietnam. Instead of there being two required interviews there will be only one, which should cut the process down by a week or so. Unfortunately that process won't be in place for us.

Maybe we'll have some pictures tomorrow.



Leslie & Shaune said...

i'm really enjoying reading your adventures. that is good news about the rule change down to 1 interview. a slightly shorter stay would be nice. sorry to read of the kids not feeling well, hope you are all better soon.

Anonymous said...

Cripes, sorry to hear you guys are all under the weather! At least hopefully her ear infection should be cleared up by the time you fly out. *~*~ Sending get well vibes *~*~

Amy in TX

Dawn said...

Boy, you guys cannot catch a break! I hope you are all feeling better soon. Where did you hear that rumor? That would be great.

charisa said...

I hope that is it for the illness. When you guys come home you should never get sick again because you paid your dues in VN! I am sending you healthly thoughts and prayers.