Saturday, September 1, 2007

That Crazy Little Thing Called International Adoption

We got the TRAVEL CALL. Finally. We will soon be flying to VN to get our kids.

The G&R is set for either the 18th or the 19th. (Gotta love it.) As you can see, we were pushed back a bit. We expected to be in VN next week with a G&R around the 10th. I know that really sucks. Say it with me: T H A T R E A L L Y S U C K S ! !


There is some good news here. We get to travel with the Carrolls - that's the family adopting two little girls who are bringing a whole passel of family with them. We'll all stay at the Melia and it's going to be so much fun.

1 comment:

Debbie Nichols said...

Good luck and hurry home safe.