Thursday, September 27, 2007

We're almost done

We got the kids medical checkups this morning, and they're cleared to come back with us to the US. Now all we do is wait for our embassy to call us in for the second visa interview. I keep hoping that it will happen soon (like today), but the reality is that we won't leave until next Saturday. We just really really really want to go home.

We think that the kids are starting to go through the greiving process for leaving the orphanage. On Tuesday and so far today, Will has been the fussiest thing known to man. If he's not in your arms, he's crying. Yesterday it was his sister doing the same thing. Tami had read something before about babies going through a grieving process, and we think this might be it.

For anyone planning to stay at the Smmerset Grand, bring plenty of electrical adapters if you hope to plug in more than one thing at a time. The Melia was set up to accept any type of plug, so most electronics could plug right into the wall. Not so at the Sommerset. The plugs here look alot like washer or dryer plugs in the States, and we only brought one adapter, so we can either use the computer, charge the camera, charge the Ipod, or charge the other camera. Additional adapters would be nice.

I think we are going to go out shopping a little this afternoon. We gave up waiting to feel better before heading out -- it just isn't going to happen.



Anonymous said...

C'mon embassy! Hurry it up and get home.

Laurie Wisbrun | Scarlet Fig said...

So excited for you guys. NEED more baby pictures though! :) -laurie